Participation is free, but space is limited. Please contact Vetle Torvik (vtorvik [at] illinois [dot] edu; 312-593-0646) if you would like to attend or if you have any questions.
Current list of confirmed attendees:
- Janet Bercovitz, UIUC
- Sen Chai, Harvard
- Jana Diesner, UIUC
- David Doolin, UC Berkeley
- David Dubin, UIUC
- Brent Fegley, UIUC
- Lee Fleming, UC Berkeley
- Rich Hindle, UIUC
- Lori Hurley, UIUC
- Pei Li, Milan
- Miles Lincoln, UIUC
- Rebecca Nugent, CMU
- Jim Ostler, UCLA
- Allen Renear, UIUC
- Brittany Smith, UIUC
- Nick Switanek, Northwestern
- Li Tong, UIUC
- Vetle Torvik, UIUC
- Michael Twidale, UIUC
- Sam Ventura, CMU